10 research outputs found

    Untersuchung der Auswirkungen einer Kfz-Steuersenkung in Österreich. Kurzstudie

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    Beschreibung und Evaluierung der Auswirkungen von Insolvenzen in der Transportwirtschaft. Endbericht

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    The Introduction of the Austrian Toll System for Trucks - Effects on Companies

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    This paper deals with effects of the Austrian road pricing system on enterprises. Trucks are charged per kilometre driving on Austrian motorways with the amount depending on the number of axles. Therefore, enterprises whose trucks use motorways are confronted with higher transport costs. These costs can be generally divided into direct and indirect ones. The main cost categories concerning indirect costs are costs for pre-financing, for bad debts losses and for toll-control. In this contribution these kinds of costs are assessed and the cost effects in different industries are evaluated. Further, empirical evidence based on a survey conducted in June 2005 is included, where Austrian enterprises were asked about their assessments concerning consequences of road pricing on their company

    Wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen einer flÀchendeckenden LKW-Maut. Zusammenfassung zur Kurzstudie

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    Das Ziel der Studie ist es, die betriebswirtschaftlichen Konsequenzen einer Ausweitung der fahrleistungsabhĂ€ngigen LKW-Maut auf das gesamte österreichische Straßennetz aufzuzeigen. Dazu zĂ€hlt unter anderem die AbschĂ€tzung möglicher Verlagerungseffekte auf die Schiene sowie möglicher Auswirkungen auf das Preisniveau, die Wettbewerbsposition der Unternehmen und die Unterschiede in der regionalen Betroffenheit. ZunĂ€chst wurden Studien zur Schweizer LSVA-EinfĂŒhrung und zu Mautkosten in Europa analysiert. Im Anschluss wurden Kurzfallstudien mit Unternehmen aus verschiedenen Branchen und Regionen durchgefĂŒhrt. (Problemstellung und Ziel der Studie

    Integrating Ecological Components in Kilometre-Based Road Toll Systems

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    Some member states of the European Union (e.g. Germany, the Czech Republic) have already included ecological components in their pricing systems of kilometre-based road tolls for road freight transport on the motorway-net. This means that vehicles with very modern emission standards have to pay less per kilometre in contrast to older trucks with a higher volume of exhaust-emissions. Austria implemented a kilometre-based road toll system in 2004, but without an ecological component. The goal of the paper is to evaluate the effects of considering EURO emission standards in the price systems of road tolls in Austria with the help of the scenario technique. Consequences as the shift in total travelled vehicle kilometres on the Austrian motorway net are discussed as well as hypothetical changes in the behaviour of the road freight forwarding industry to purchase and/or rent modern clean-exhaust vehicles